Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Confessions of a (point) whore

I am a big fan of Westlaw. One reason are the points.

I confess: It gives you 10 points daily for any research activity so every day I go onto Westlaw and type in the word "appeal" in Blacks Law Dictionary. I sign out and play the Trivia game, which gives me 15 more points. 25 total points accumulated in 30 seconds. Sweet deal.

25 points daily x 365 days a year = I'm not sure how many points annually. (I'm not too mathematically inclined, and that's why I'm in law school) But I'm sure that's a lot.

I guess that makes me a huge point whore.

[EDIT: As pointed out by Lioness, my math was off. So it would be 25 points x 5 days/week x 52 weeks/yr. Still equals lots of points.]


Blogger The Lioness said...

Actually, you only can get points up to 5 days a week. I'm almost up to 2,000, so hopefully if I can keep up this pace, I can get that sweet 13,900 point wine refrigerator. I'm not even that big into wine, but I like that it pretty much screams pretentious. ;)

4:07 PM  
Blogger Nomadic said...

Im guessing your not going to share. :)

8:55 AM  

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