Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Finals are approaching, and the stress level at school is at a high. It was remarked to me last year by the (then) 2Ls and 3Ls how are so much more hardcore than they were. And now, looking around the school, I feel that the current 1L class is more hardcore than we were last year. I'm not sure if it is indeed true, that in the school's quest to rise up the rankings and base admissions decisions more and more on numbers, that each year we're admitting more of the uber-competitive types. Or were we equally as crazy last year but my scarred and repressed memories of 1L year has been dulled by the passage of time (and by the massive consumption of alcohol)?

Anyway, I've goofed around for most of the semester, and tomorrow is the last day of classes, so I guess I better hunker down and start preparing for exams, in order to not fail out of law school so that I may continue to amuse you with my posts.

This blog will be in semi-hibernation mode for the next few weeks, so I suggest that you check elsewhere for your legal amusement.


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